Our Story

How It Started

We've loved cars since near day one and we have photo evidence to prove it. It wasn't just a phase, a hairstyle, or a side quest. Cars are the main quest line for us. The running joke in our social circles is that we have a 9-5 so that our 5-9 can revolve around cars.

We have spent many nights fixing broken cars, or waiting for tow trucks, but once in a blue moon it all comes together into 15 minutes of bliss when our cars are working properly....and then it all breaks again and we're back to the 5-9 fixing cars.

Yet, here we are. Almost three decades in and we still love cars and nearly everything about them (except the gas mileage, or lack thereof). 

How It's Going

As both of us progressed into adulting full time, many aspects of our lives changed, however, one constant has been our love for cars. It was something that initially connected us in high school, and 15 years later still holds true.

Josh has maintained a level of responsibility surrounding cars and chose a Golf Alltrack wagon and a BMW X3.

Whereas Isaac has let the intrusive thoughts take over and has the automotive equivalent of the Katy Perry song 'Hot n Cold'. It sometimes changes weekly depending on how much he scrolls the classifieds. 

Why We're Here

With all that said...how did we land in the Artlines Design world?

We came across the Artlines Design brand and were initially customers. It's very tough finding quality automotive merchandise that's not wildly overpriced from the dealers.

When the opportunity arose to become more involved with the brand, we jumped on it. We love everything automotive in every capacity. 

We're here to share that passion with everyone. Whether it's having a matching t-shirt to the car you drive, having a poster of your dream car, or a sticker of your mother's first car on your phone case. 

If you're even mildly interested in Isaac's round table of automotive financial ruin or Josh learning reverse entries in a Honda CRV, check out our blog. It is regularly updated with our automotive trials and tribulations!